Plub Limpiti

September 12, 2019

Plub Limpiti spends her time thinking about and designing for playful learning experiences. She has an Ed.M. in Technology, Innovation, and Education from Harvard University and is currently running a story-based adventure camp in Bangkok, Thailand.

Playing with Ideas about Play

intro to play

Play! We all love it, but what is it? Plub delved into the literature around play and created this tour of play through a variety of lenses and in the context of a variety of disciplines. This resource is not meant to be exhaustive or comprehensive. Rather it is a sampling of different perspectives on play that help us think about our learning designs. We hope it will help you build your understanding of what play means in your work too!

mind map

As a companion to her Intro to Play, Plub also organized the different perspectives on play found in the research and arranged them into this mind map. This is just one way to visualize the giant concept that is play! You can use it as a browsable jumping-off point in learning about play research, or to start discussions with your playmates about what play means to you.

Story-based Maker Adventures

For her independent project, Plub developed one strand of story-based maker adventures to be run at her camp in Thailand, with the goal of promoting Girls in STEM. The experience started with a mysterious story about missing energy balls that had to be found in a dark place. To light their way during the search, kids worked with LED lights, batteries, and craft materials to build wearable bling that would light their way. Then they were off in search of energy balls! The playtest of this activity helped the team think about what future-ready skills emerge during experiences that combine narrative and engineering, and how best to facilitate this type of learning.

Playful Journey Connection

The intro to play resource is something we will refer to for inspiration and grounding on why we base our assessment and learning designs on playful experiences. It’s also something we’re excited to share with others who ask us why we care so much about play! The story-based maker adventure is another interesting context in which we can consider using our maker assessment tools, and even weaving them into the narrative. We can’t wait to hear how Plub incorporates playful assessment into her camp activities!