The MIT CS+AI Literacy Learning Community is a regular online gathering of educators and MIT learning designers interested in digital literacy, computer science, and artificial intelligence education. Within the community, you’ll have opportunities to share, create, and learn with peers who are tinkering with big ideas in education around AI and the future of computing.
When? First meeting: Wednesday, January 13 from 5-6:30PM Eastern Time.
Who? Formal and informal educators who regularly teach or facilitate learning with K-12 children.
Where? RSVP using the form below to receive a Zoom link.
We’ll gather online to network and tinker with MIT’s new technologies and curricula in development. Subsequently, there will be opportunities for community members to lead breakout sessions and continue to test new curricular modules in development.
The community is supported by the Inclusive AI Literacy and Learning team at MIT an interdisciplinary design team creating a new, open-source curriculum to introduce middle school students to AI and its ethical and responsible use in society. Team members come from labs across MIT, including: Media Lab Personal Robots group, STEP Lab, MIT App Inventor Team, and the Playful Journey Lab. We are connecting with educators who are interested in helping MIT co-design and test artificial intelligence curricula at the middle-school level across the country and worldwide.
Update: The registration for this event is now closed. If you are still interested in attending, please email Peter at